I Wont Be Hurt Again Quotes

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I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Steve DeWinter

In a minor, dark room with no windows, a homo hunched over his chaotic workstation. Papers were scattered all over the surface of the desk and he had to dig through them to detect the keyboard. He sat downward and turned on the monitor. As the brandish warmed upwards, a bright greenish typing arrow faded into view in the bottom corner of the screen. The man scraped his hand across his scraggly beard and typed into the screen on his estimator. "How are you doing today?" The display beeped and words formed on the screen equally someone responded. "When tin I take someone to play with?" The homo sighed and typed again. "I'1000 sorry, but you know why you must be alone correct now." The figurer beeped equally the reply came across the screen. "I'thou doing ameliorate." "I'm sure you are, just I have to be sure you can't hurt anyone." "I promise I won't." "I believe yous. Merely in that location are some things I have to do to make sure. — Steve DeWinter

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Rose Wynters

No," he replied, firmly, smoothing her hair back from the side of her face up. "I'll never exit yous
alone over again. You've spent also many years always having to be the potent one, never having anyone to
rely upon. It stops at present, Taylor. What I heard changes nada when it comes to how I feel about you. I
respect you in a way I've never respected anyone before. Share this burden with me. You've been potent
long enough. Let me shoulder it from here on out. I hope you, I won't fail you. — Rose Wynters

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Laura Wiess

And maybe love is terrifying. I'm terrified at present, but non in the way she would think.
I'm terrified because I hate who she is and what she's done, I do, and yet there is still something strong and powerful between us, some kind of deep, primal bond that won't cease, won't snap or break or change, information technology just remains in that location inside me, equally sold and factual equally my blood and bones - she is my mother, I am her daughter - and I don't know what to telephone call it because information technology doesn't feel like love, not the good kind I felt for Ellie, with all my centre, simply instead an instinctual pull that's been in that location from the offset, cartoon me dorsum to her once again and again, the woman who has hurt me like no i else ever could, and now she'due south dying and the bail is still hither, inside me, and I won't telephone call it honey or detest because emotions has cypher to practice with the fact that she is my mother and I am her daughter, and we volition be connected in that way forever. — Laura Wiess

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Willow Madison

I no longer fright the hurting...I fright no release from this torture...knowing that I've injure him and he can't forgive me...that he won't be able to make me his skilful girl over again. — Willow Madison

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Victoria Aveyard

I won't permit him hurt you lot again." His jiff makes me shiver. A strange sensation, when surrounded with such blazing warmth. "I believe you lot," I tell him, lying. Because I am weak, I turn in his arms. Because I am weak, I printing my lips to his, searching for something to make me end running, to make me forget. We are both weak, it seems. Equally his hands run over my skin, I feel a different sort of pain. Worse than Maven's machine, deeper than my fretfulness. It aches similar a hollow, like an empty weight. I am a sword, born of lightning, of this burn down - and of Maven'south. One already betrayed me, and the other might leave at any moment. But I practice not fear a cleaved heart. I do not fear pain. — Victoria Aveyard

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Oh no, not -'
'Just that'due south 5 hundred miles away!'
You lot DON'T Have TO TELL ME, THE WHOLE SYSTEM'S GOT SCREWED Upwardly Once again, I CAN See THAT. Await, There'S NO Risk OF Y'all-?
Rincewind backed abroad, hands spread protectively in front end of him ...
'Not a hazard!'
Information technology WON'T HURT A Flake.
'No!' Rincewind turned and ran. Expiry watched him go, and shrugged bitterly. — Terry Pratchett

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Robert Jackson Bennett

Wishing is bad," he said again. "It makes yous hurt. Makes all the missing parts injure, makes them open up new and makes them bleed."
"You take out a part of you," Roosevelt murmured. "Take it out and blow on it and toss it to the winds similar grit, and you say, 'Find all the missing parts of me. Get out among the world and find the missing parts of me.' But instead of getting back what you lost you simply lose more. Wishing is bad. Wish long enough and at that place won't be whatever of you left. — Robert Jackson Bennett

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By K. Carr

But know this," Matt continued, eyebrows lowering in warning. "I will not let you or any member of your family hurt her once more. I won't tolerate anyone hurting her. Madison is the most important person in my life, she's everything to me and I will do everything in my ability to ensure no one hurts her. I love her besides damn much to allow that. — Chiliad. Carr

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

You injure any of us or those we love once again so help me, I won't stop until I've pulled you into so many pieces, yous'll think yous've been through a grinder. (Fang) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Katy Regnery

You don't want me to fight? I won't fight. You want me to break up with Gemma? She'south gone. You want me to quit my shit job, surrender my apartment in Charles Boondocks, and move to Maryland? Washed. Yous want to go to college? I'll make it happen. "I've been one-half d-dead for ten years, Gris, but and so you walked back into my life, and I came alive again. You brand me want to live. You brand me want to be a improve man. "I honey you, and when I say that, I mean that you're my reason for animate, for eating, for drinking, for sleeping, for living. I will never hurt you. I will never go out you. I volition ever protect you. There is no 1 more of import to me than y'all, and as long every bit I live, at that place never due west-will be. — Katy Regnery

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

I can't. At least not for a while. I need time to become past this and I can't guarantee that I won't hurt him over again. God knows, Nick has a true gift for saying the wrong thing in whatsoever given state of affairs. (Acheron)
You lot know he loves y'all, right? (Amanda)
Yeah, but emotions don't have brains. (Acheron) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By V.C. Andrews

I'm a fool. I look too much, then I'm angry because aught ever works out the style I desire. When I was young and full of hopes and aspirations, I didn't know I would get injure and so often. I recall I'll go tough and won't ache again, and then my fragile shell shatters, and again, symbolically, my blood is spilled with the tears I shed. I pull myself back together once again, go on, convince myself there is a reason for everything, and at some point in my life it will be disclosed. And when I have what I want, I promise to god it stays long plenty to allow me know I accept it, and it wont injure when it goes, for I don't look it to stay, non now. I'm like a doughnut, e'er existence punch out in the middle, and constantly I become effectually searching for the missing piece, and on and on it goes, never ending, only beginning ... — V.C. Andrews

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Kelley Armstrong

He leaned her dorsum confronting the tub, setting her head on the edge, and then washed her shoulders.
"I know I left yous once."
She opened her mouth, wanting to say it didn't matter, it was forgotten. But it wasn't.
"I know I hurt y'all."
Once again, she wanted to argue. But she couldn't.
"I know I said I won't exit you again, but I as well know that's not enough, and that the only way you're going to trust that I won't get out is if I don't".
He slid the cloth over her arms.
"If this ends, Hope, information technology won't be me that ends it. I think y'all know that. — Kelley Armstrong

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Kristen Ashley

I'd had a really bad solar day and you hurt me."
His paw at my jaw tensed and he kept whispering when he said, "I'll probably do it again, Red,
because I'm a man and any man can exist a dick. But I won't do it like that, not once again. I know you got soft
under that attitude and I'll have a heed to that. — Kristen Ashley

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Sherman Alexie

Last night I missed ii free throws which would have won the game against the best team in the state. The farm town loftier school I play for is nicknamed the "Indians," and I'1000 probably the only actual Indian ever to play for a team with such a mascot.
This morning I pick up the sports page and read the headline: INDIANS LOSE AGAIN.
Go alee and tell me none of this is supposed to hurt me very much. — Sherman Alexie

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Tara Sivec

When you've been hurt once, it's so difficult to let go and not exist afraid you lot won't exist hurt again. — Tara Sivec

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Rhonda James

Cassie, cease. I can't practice this.' He pulls back to encounter my hurt gaze.
'I know why you're doing this.' I draw a breath, letting it out on a long exhale. 'You don't trust me with your heart. You're agape if you give it to me there'south a chance it could be broken, again.'
'It'south been shattered once. I'yard afraid next time it won't go broken. It'll be obliterated,' he says quietly.
I press a single kiss to his lip. 'You're my Superman. You're not supposed to exist afraid of annihilation.'
'Even Superman had weaknesses. — Rhonda James

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Madeleine L'Engle

No long-term wedlock is fabricated hands, and there have been times when I've been so angry or so hurt that I idea my love would never recover. And so, in the midst of near despair, something has happened below the surface. A brilliant little flashing fish of hope has flicked silver fins and the h2o is brilliant and suddenly I am returned to a state of love again - till next time. I've learned that there volition always be a next time, and that I will submerge in darkness and misery, only that I won't stay submerged. And each fourth dimension something has been learned nether the waters; something has been gained; and a new kind of love has grown. The best I can ask for is that this dearest, which has been congenital on countless failures, volition continue to abound. I can say no more than that this is mystery, and souvenir, and that somehow or other, through grace, our failures can exist redeemed and blessed. — Madeleine L'Engle

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Abbi Glines

No human has e'er loved a woman every bit much equally I love y'all. Naught will ever come before you. I don't know what else I have to practise to prove to you that I won't let yous downwardly over again. I won't hurt yous. You lot don't have to be lonely anymore. I need you. — Abbi Glines

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Kim Harrison

It'south going to be all right. Yous're going to be all correct. She'due south going to go out. Y'all don't have to worry about her once more. I won't let any vampire hurt you. I can do this. I'll stay big, and make sure no one hurts you once again. It'll be okay. I'll make sure yous're safety. — Kim Harrison

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Tammara Webber

Remember last fall, when you needed to exist reckless, and I told y'all to use me? Well, now, it'due south fourth dimension to be fearless. I can't promise that you won't be hurt over again, because life can suck. And, sometimes it hurts like hell. I'm asking you now to have faith in one affair, for at present: the fact that when nosotros're solitary, I'thousand just Reid, and you're just Dori, and nosotros're going to love each other for the rest of our lives. — Tammara Webber

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Aleksandr Voinov

Right at present he was zip just a physically hurt man who had been through hell and back, clinging to his promise. "We be ... together. More than simply ... few ... hours. Wanna die ... with you. Non ... alone." Fought to stay awake, needed to spend every second with Vadim while he could.
Vadim kissed that hand again, looked up. "We won't dice. We'll never die. I hope. He'd hope anything, meant it, would die defending this man, would live and dice and suffer for him. — Aleksandr Voinov

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Banana Yoshimoto

With a cold"
she spoke evenly, lowering her eyes a little
"now is the hardest fourth dimension. Maybe even harder than dying. But this is probably every bit bad as it tin can go. You might come to fright the next fourth dimension you get a cold; it will be every bit bad as this, but if you simply hold steady, it won't be. For the rest of your life. That'due south how information technology works. Y'all could take the negative view and live in fearfulness: Will it happen again? But it won't hurt and so much if you just accept it as a office of life." With that she looked up at me, smiling. — Banana Yoshimoto

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Heather Killough-Walden

Jennings saw this and held the gun up with his fingers splayed placatingly as if to bear witness her that he wasn't planning on using it. Not yet, anyway. "I don't desire to hurt y'all again, Lily," he told her. "And so just make certain yous don't do annihilation stupid, and I won't." At that moment, he reminded her of John Cusack in Grosse Pointe Blank. He acted like he was making a reasonable asking. Every bit if at that place was justification for shooting someone thirty times. — Heather Killough-Walden

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Kristen Ashley

I fucked up and hurt you. It won't happen again." His fingers tensed effectually my head and his deep vox dropped low. "I promise you, Kitten, information technology won't happen again. — Kristen Ashley

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Tony Gaskins

I forgive, but I also larn a lesson. I won't hate you, but I'll never become close enough for you to hurt me again. I tin't let my forgiveness become foolish. — Tony Gaskins

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Suzanne Wright

He dropped his forehead to hers. I know I'chiliad a lilliputian fucked up. Don't give upward on me infant. I'yard not saying that things will suddenly be perfect. I'm a guy, and guys can be stupid. I acknowledge I demand the room to mess up a little. I tin't hope I won't piss you lot off again, but I can hope you that I'll never deliberately hurt you. Nothing is more important to me than y'all. Naught. — Suzanne Wright

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Christopher Darden

I think it hurt my performance because I stopped existence me. That won't e'er happen once again. — Christopher Darden

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Courtney Summers

I don't believe in forgiveness. I think if you hurt someone, it becomes part of you both. Each of you only has to live with it and the person you hurt gets to decide if they desire to requite yous the chance to do it again. If they practise and you're a good person, y'all won't make the aforementioned mistakes. Simply whole new ones. — Courtney Summers

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By J.L. McCoy

I took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. He won't hurt me, I silently reminded myself. 'Never,' Archer said, shaking his caput. 'I'll never hurt yous over again, Skye. — J.L. McCoy

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Yuuri Eda

Humans are really stupid. If nosotros don't autumn and become hurt, we won't learn our lesson. Just similar a kid repeatedly falling.

No matter how many times nosotros fail, or how many times we've fallen. Humans will stand up once more, grin ruefully at our grazed knees before standing onwards. This fourth dimension we volition not run from our pain. — Yuuri Eda

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Rachel Caine

Samuel," Amelie said, and her vocalism was depression and tranquility and warm. She bent closer to him. "Samuel. Come dorsum to me."
His eyes opened, and they were all pupil. Scary owl eyes. Claire bit her lip and thought again nearly running, but Hans and Gretchen were at her dorsum and she knew she didn't have a risk, anyway.
Sam blinked, and his pupils began to shrink slowly to a more normal size. His lips moved, but no sound came out.
"Breathe in," Amelie said, in that same placidity, warm tone. "I'm here, Samuel. I won't leave you." She stroked fingers gently over his forehead, and he blinked over again and slowly focused on her.
It was like there was nobody else in all the world, just the two of them. Amelie was wrong, Claire thought. It isn't just that Sam loves her. She loves him just as much. — Rachel Caine

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Cristin Harber

Baby, y'all want to talk about what happened, go for it. I'thou listening. Merely you know, I'm no affections, and I'thousand not finished dancing with the devil. If anyone ever hurts you like that over again, there'due south cypher I won't exercise to protect you. To make sure you're never injure again. — Cristin Harber

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Lorraine Heath

He rolled her over, rising above her, cupping her cheek. "I wasn't lying, Loree. I've e'er heard the music in my middle ... just I lost the power to practise that when I went to prison. It was like the music merely shriveled upwardly and died. I thought I'd never hear it once again. How could I play the violin if I couldn't hear the music? So lately, I started going crazy because I'd hear snatches of music - when y'all'd look at me or smile at me. Merely I couldn't grab onto it, I couldn't concord information technology. Then concluding night, you told me that you loved me and I heard the music, so sweet, then soft. It scared me to hear it so clearly subsequently I hadn't for so long.
"Tonight, I injure you - again. I was going to let you go, Loree. I was gonna take yous back to Austin. But I heard my heart intermission ... and I knew that's all I'd hear for the residue of my life. Don't leave me, Carbohydrate."
Joy filled her and she brushed the locks of pilus back off his forehead. "I won't."
-Austin and Loree — Lorraine Heath

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Jenny Han

I'm sorry for screwing everything up. I hurt you lot again, and for that I'k lamentable. I'm so sorry. I don't want to practice that anymore. So ... I'g not going to stay
for the nuptials. I'g only going to take off now. I won't see you once more, not for a long time. Probably for the best. Being nearly you like this, it hurts. And
Jere" - Conrad cleared his pharynx and stepped backward, making space between the states - "he'southward the ane who needs you."
Hoarsely, he said, "I demand you lot to know that no matter what happens, information technology was worth it to me. Existence with you, loving you. It was all worth information technology — Jenny Han

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Rebecca Zanetti

Nosotros are married."
"We're about to get divorced." ...
"No." He licked up her ear to bite the vanquish.
She shivered in response. "Yes."
"Nope." His palm spread out across her bare midriff. "I may have screwed up, and we'll discover out why, but I won't hurt you again. You're mine, angel. The simply thing in life that matters. — Rebecca Zanetti

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By R. R. Reno

Educated, well-to-practise Baby Boomers are disciplined in their hedonism, conscientious that their peccadillos don't impede their scramble for success. For the most part, the rich take developed a relatively safe and moderate approach to drugs, and for the few who haven't, well, there's professional help. Decriminalization of marijuana won't hurt the stiff. Simply what about the weak? Kids who use marijuana regularly become lower test scores, are more probable to drop out of high schoolhouse, and are less probable to become to college. And who are they? A 2011 study reports that children of parents who accept not completed high school are twice as probable to smoke marijuana as children of those who have completed college. Once more, new freedoms harm the vulnerable. The — R. R. Reno

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Toni Aleo

No, I don't want to hear it. You've broken me for the second time, and believe me, Erik Titov, I won't allow yous do it once again. The only matter we need to hash out is our son, and I hope that you know what you are doing. I've let you lot injure me, but you won't injure Dimitri. And then go, if you are going. — Toni Aleo

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Harper Lee

Mr. Tate. He's good and dead. He won't hurt these children over again. — Harper Lee

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By J. Sterling

I failed yous that nighttime, Cassie. I'll never forgive myself for not making certain you were rubber and protected. That should take never happened to you. And information technology won't ever happen over again. I promised y'all I'd never let anyone hurt you similar that. Just let me keep my fucking promise to you — J. Sterling

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Jay Bell

This will happen over again," Nathaniel explained. "Fifty-fifty if we manage not to injure each other, eventually one of the states will get sick or become bored, or someone else volition get in the mode. Maybe they won't mean to. Maybe my mom volition need me when she's older and I'll have to go to her - "
"I'd go with y'all," Kelly offered.
" - or maybe 1 of us will dice immature or maybe yous'll autumn out of love with me because emotions can't be controlled. Or maybe we'll get to a point where we desire to hurt each other. I know that's hard to imagine now, simply relationships merely get more than complicated as time goes by."
"So we amend avoid them?" Kelly snapped. "Why do you lot even leave the house? Why aren't you constantly scared of getting hit by a car or shot past some random lunatic?"
Nathaniel exhaled." I never was before. Not until I fell in love with you lot. — Jay Bell

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

Does information technology hurt here?" he asked, his fingers slipping over the swollen entrance of her sexual activity.
"A little." She leaned back against his arm, her head lolling on the polished wooden rim of the huge porcelain bathtub.
Nick kneaded lightly with his fingertips, as if he could heal her with his touch. "I tried to be gentle."
"You were," she managed to say, her thighs floating apart.
Nick's thick lashes lowered every bit he stared at the shimmering blur of her trunk below the water. His handsome features were carved with such severity that his confront could have been molded from bronze. The border of his rolled-upwards sleeve dragged in the water, the velvet turning hot and sodden.
"I won't ever injure yous again," he said. "That's a promise. — Lisa Kleypas

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Harriet Beecher Stowe

You've e'er stood it out again' me: now, I'll conquer ye, or kill ye! - ane or t' other. I'll count every driblet of blood there is in you, and have 'em, ane past 1, till ye surrender!"
Tom looked up to his main, and answered, "Mas'r, if yous was sick, or in trouble, or dying, and I could save ye, I'd requite ye my center's blood; and, if taking every driblet of claret in this poor erstwhile torso would save your precious soul, I'd give 'em freely, as the Lord gave his for me. O, Mas'r! don't bring this great sin on your soul! Information technology volition hurt yous more than 't volition me! Exercise the worst you can, my troubles'll be over before long; but, if ye don't repent, yours won't never stop! — Harriet Beecher Stowe

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By S.L. Jennings

So I'm telling you, Kami, I won't miss you anymore. I won't hurt for you. I won't need you like I practise. And I won't love y'all. Loving yous is what caused all this. It's what ruined us. And I am and so sorry for that. I detest myself for failing you. For not beingness enough to save yous. Only I won't fail y'all over again. If this is what you need - for me to never call up of you once again - then that is what I am going to do. I'll forget yous. I'll stop loving you like I practice. Because, dammit, I exercise. And so much it fucking tears me apart.I hope this is what you lot want. I know I didn't become information technology right the start time, but I promise to try like hell to make it better.Ever (Never) — S.L. Jennings

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Jasinda Wilder

There'southward no magical healing in this. I won't wake upwardly tomorrow fixed and joyful. I'll still injure and grieve. But moments like this, with Colton? They brand it all endurable. He doesn't ready me, doesn't heal me. He just makes life worthwhile. He helps me remember to exhale, shows me how to smiling again. He kisses me, and I tin forget pain, forget the urges I still accept to cut for the hurting that erases the emotions. — Jasinda Wilder

I Won't Let You Hurt Me Again Quotes By Tessa Bailey

I decided when, where, and with whom my first time happened. No one made that decision for me. And I don't regret it. I'm sorry if you practice. Won't let it happen once more."
"Don't put words in my mouth. I don't regret it. I'll never regret it. I only wish you would have told me." He brushed the hair off her shoulder, his fingers lingering against her skin. "I could have hurt y'all, baby. — Tessa Bailey


Source: https://quotessayings.net/topics/i-wont-let-you-hurt-me-again/

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